Hollywood Military Guild

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A Hollywood Undead egy amerikai rap-rock zenekar Los Anglesben, Californiában. Az együttes tagjai: Charlie Scene, Da Kurlzz, Jhonny 3Tears, Deuce, Funny man, J-Dog.


Számok:Swan Songs:Undead,Sell Your Soul, Everywhere I Go,No Other Place, No 5, Young, Black Dahlia, This Love, This Hate, Bottle And The Gun, California, City, The Diary, Pimpin , Paradise Lost, Pain, Knife Called Lust, The Loss, The Natives.Unknown Album: B*tches, Christhmas Time In Hollywood, Circles, Dead In Ditches, Scene For Dummies, The Kids, Turn Off The Lights.Desperate Measures: Dove And Grenade, Tier It Up, Shout At The Devil, Immigrant Song(Led Zeppelin), Bad Town, El Urgencia.


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